
We must differentiate between the presumption and the reality and the worst peace is better than the best war

Somali land military in Sool has become region internationalized as many actors involves for the subject conflict. There are interest groups involved for this nervousness issue.  Somali land people reflects that, Somali-land eastern region of Sool is part and parcel of Somali-land, whereas Khaatumo leadership and their devotee craving to be part and parcel of greater Somalia. and these two interests challenge each other and any common grounds to be negotiated appears to be distant.  Wars” are easy to start but always difficult to end.The international community being frustrated the wars in Somalia, many international players mainly the west, United Nations and the neighboring countries in particular involve the conflict, reason being the military operations occurred close to their borders and that is why Somali-land internal and external ministries have been called for discussion by the Ethiopian officials.We should consider our self as part of international community, as no can deny the reality that hundreds of international staff functioning in Somali-land and additionally some of our government workforce are under the payroll of the international community. Furthermore, we are getting continual development assistance for various domains necessary human improvement from the international community and therefore, we should deal them through brainy and sharp diplomatic skills and not by provocation as occurred in the last when we instructed United Nations ambassador to leave Somali-land and regrettably invited him again. I am afraid the same scenario will repeat again and if that happen again is very  disgraceful to Somali-land. Every one of should admit the reality that united nations did not recognized Somali-land as sovereign country and as per the international law and united nations recognize united Somalia and that is why we are negotiating with the Somalia federal government to split from them. In reality, our relationship with the international community is only mutual understanding.     

With regard the main issue of my consideration, when all else fails, aggrieved groups of society often resort to violence to redress their objection by attempting to break away and this groups believe that secession as the most viable strategy to improve living conditions and the strength of the rebel group relative to the state determines what direction the conflict will take, but in reality, the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend, as war is not right solution. Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. Wars impose substantial costs on the domestic economy. We empirically measure the economic impact of such internal wars. Past experiences have proved the negative growth effects of civil wars.The protracted war between these neighborhood Middle Eastern countries resulted in at least half a million casualties and several billion dollars’ worth of damages, but no real gains by other side. Started by Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein in September 1980, the war was marked by indiscriminate ballistic-missile attacks, extensive use of chemical weapons and attacks on third-country oil tankers in the Arabian Gulf. Although Iraq was forced on the strategic defensive, Iran was unable to reconstitute effective armored formations for its air force and could not penetrate Iraq’s borders deeply enough to achieve decisive results. The end came in July 1988 with the acceptance UN Resolution 598. During the eight years between Iraq’s formal declaration of war on September 22, 1980, and Iran’s acceptance of a cease-fire with effect on July 20, 1988, at the very least half a million and possibly twice as many troops were killed on both sides, at least half a million became permanent invalids, some 228 billion dollars were directly expended, and more than 400 billion dollars of damage (mostly to oil facilities, but also to cities) was inflicted, mostly by artillery barrages. Aside from that, the war was inconsequential: having won Iranian recognition of exclusive Iraqi sovereignty over the Shatt-el-Arab River (into which the Tigris and Euphrates combine, forming Iraq’s best outlet to the sea), in 1988 Saddam Hussein surrendered that gain when in need of Iran’s neutrality in anticipation of the 1991 Gulf War.


Wars are destructive of human lives and economic infrastructure. They also undermine the legitimacy of the state, threatening its institutions, the security of property rights, and the rule of law. Moreover, internal wars introduce tremendous uncertainty into the economic environment, making both public and private investment riskier. While it might be readily apparent that war will impact economic production, there is little understanding about the different channels through which civil war affects the aggregate economy. How costly are these internal wars? What is the mechanism through which civil war negatively? Impacts the domestic economy? Building on the emerging literature on the economics of civil war, this paper measures the economic costs of war and identifies the ways in which civil war strips country of its growth potential. First, civil war impacts the domestic economy by reducing the level and growth. Despite the reality that people originates from the Sool region not willing to be fall under the administration of Somali-land, the successive Somali-land authorities have ignored this on-going crisis almost ever since we reclaimed from our Independence


There are important lessons we can take away from a few of the incidents in history in the area of internal strife and wars, of which they had a few.  Sometimes emotions start wars. We are all emotional beings. This means that your emotions are part of your make up and, like it or not, you are going to feel them all at some point – the good, the bad and the ugly. If, however, you believe that learning to consciously create your reality means that you will now only get to experience those “feel-good” emotions, then you are in for quite a disappointment. One of the greatest misconceptions about reality creation is that the reward for learning to align you with the law of attraction and other universal laws is eternal happiness. Not understanding emotions is in fact, the reason why most people quit their attempts to transform their lives at the first major hurdle they encounter, because it does not match this promise of uninterrupted happiness.. We may need to ask ourselves: Is it time to quit emotions. Have we gained the objective? Will continuing the strife produce more good than harm? If our position is in the ascendancy should we unilaterally declare peace even though there are still come issues unresolved? In other words, is this conflict at the point of diminishing returns: i.e. from this point forward the conflict will do more harm than good?


Wars affect peoples’ lives long after the fighting has stopped. Wars do not only kill but they also cause disability due to injury or increased disease burden. The Civil War was one of the most tragic wars in many parts history, as more civilian died then in all other wars combined. Brother fought against brother and the nation was torn apart. In the end, we must look at the important consequences of the conflict. There may be others, but this is a good list to work off and the Thus, the legacy effect of civil wars create ongoing conflict at the end of the decade.  Civil wars are notoriously hard to being to a negotiated peace. In general, the sides fight until one or both are exhausted, in the process wreaking havoc on the lives of that nation’s people. Therefore, a way of more speedily bringing both sides to a agreement would be a powerful tool for improving the world. Civil can be especially atrocious as neighbor kill each other at close range, but they also have a purpose. They can bring lasting peace by destroying the will to fight and by removing the motives and opportunities for further violence. We must make up our opinions from facts and reasoning and differentiate believe from reality.


We should make up my opinions from facts and reasoning, and not to suit anybody particular wish, which could be based on short term vision. What is one way to start a civil war? Jump to conclusions. What is one way to avoid a civil war? Don’t jump to conclusion. How to end a civil war? What is one way to end a civil war? Stop fighting, Says easy, does hard. These principles won’t solve all problems but they can solve some. They have worked in the past and can work today. One way we can start a war or an argument is by jumping to conclusions. Sometimes we are too quick to take decisions. In some situations we are pre-disposed to think ill will of someone and so we assume the worst. Sometimes we make statements that, in the light of the facts are clearly out of line but having gone out on a limb we will try to justify our mistake rather than disown it and cut the limb out from under us. Our rationale might sound like: “I may be wrong in this instance but there were many times in the past when you have done that same kind of thing. Wars are easily started but hard to end. From time to time in our lives we all will find ourselves in an argument about something. They can start without warning and in some cases we will be unwilling participants.One way to prevent some of the “wars” we get into is to follow the example we just read about.. It is one thing to jump to conclusions. It can be disastrous when we jump into action without verifying for ourselves the relevant information leading to our conclusion. We will have to give account for our reactions in the not too distant future. Do we react to difficulties in positive ways carefully considered and designed to bring about profitable results, or do we react without due consideration, with little to no thought about whether or not our reactions will bring a benefit to all affected. However the principle illustrated, that compromise had been used to resolve divisive issues by our forefathers, we have little to no control over the actions of others, and therefore minimal ability to prevent potentially upsetting incidents from occurring. Through experiences, it has been proved that human being cannot influence through muscle power and good example for this is the Palestinian people who are fighting and resisting Israeli occupation from 1948 and until today. last, but not the lease, there is no winner for civil wars and all parties are losers.


Ismail Yusuf

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